

Flask's Blueprint object with some web API support.


from apiflask import APIBlueprint

bp = APIBlueprint('foo', __name__)

Version changed: 0.5.0

  • Add enable_openapi parameter.

Version added: 0.2.0

Source code in apiflask/blueprint.py
class APIBlueprint(APIScaffold, Blueprint):
    """Flask's `Blueprint` object with some web API support.


    from apiflask import APIBlueprint

    bp = APIBlueprint('foo', __name__)

    *Version changed: 0.5.0*

    - Add `enable_openapi` parameter.

    *Version added: 0.2.0*

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        import_name: str,
        tag: t.Optional[t.Union[str, dict]] = None,
        enable_openapi: bool = True,
        static_folder: t.Optional[str] = None,
        static_url_path: t.Optional[str] = None,
        template_folder: t.Optional[str] = None,
        url_prefix: t.Optional[str] = None,
        subdomain: t.Optional[str] = None,
        url_defaults: t.Optional[dict] = None,
        root_path: t.Optional[str] = None,
        cli_group: t.Union[t.Optional[str]] = _sentinel  # type: ignore
    ) -> None:
        """Make a blueprint instance.

            name: The name of the blueprint. Will be prepended to
                each endpoint name.
            import_name: The name of the blueprint package, usually
                `__name__`. This helps locate the `root_path` for the
            tag: The tag of this blueprint. If not set, the
                `<blueprint name>.title()` will be used (`'foo'` -> `'Foo'`).
                Accepts a tag name string or an OpenAPI tag dict.

                bp = APIBlueprint('foo', __name__, tag='Foo')

                bp = APIBlueprint('foo', __name__, tag={'name': 'Foo'})
            enable_openapi: If `False`, will disable OpenAPI support for the
                current blueprint.

        Other keyword arguments are directly passed to `flask.Blueprint`.
        self.tag = tag
        self.enable_openapi = enable_openapi

__init__(self, name, import_name, tag=None, enable_openapi=True, static_folder=None, static_url_path=None, template_folder=None, url_prefix=None, subdomain=None, url_defaults=None, root_path=None, cli_group=<object object at 0x7f6744ea7370>) special

Make a blueprint instance.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the blueprint. Will be prepended to each endpoint name.

import_name str

The name of the blueprint package, usually __name__. This helps locate the root_path for the blueprint.

tag Union[str, dict]

The tag of this blueprint. If not set, the <blueprint name>.title() will be used ('foo' -> 'Foo'). Accepts a tag name string or an OpenAPI tag dict. Example:

bp = APIBlueprint('foo', __name__, tag='Foo')
bp = APIBlueprint('foo', __name__, tag={'name': 'Foo'})
enable_openapi bool

If False, will disable OpenAPI support for the current blueprint.


Other keyword arguments are directly passed to flask.Blueprint.

Source code in apiflask/blueprint.py
def __init__(
    name: str,
    import_name: str,
    tag: t.Optional[t.Union[str, dict]] = None,
    enable_openapi: bool = True,
    static_folder: t.Optional[str] = None,
    static_url_path: t.Optional[str] = None,
    template_folder: t.Optional[str] = None,
    url_prefix: t.Optional[str] = None,
    subdomain: t.Optional[str] = None,
    url_defaults: t.Optional[dict] = None,
    root_path: t.Optional[str] = None,
    cli_group: t.Union[t.Optional[str]] = _sentinel  # type: ignore
) -> None:
    """Make a blueprint instance.

        name: The name of the blueprint. Will be prepended to
            each endpoint name.
        import_name: The name of the blueprint package, usually
            `__name__`. This helps locate the `root_path` for the
        tag: The tag of this blueprint. If not set, the
            `<blueprint name>.title()` will be used (`'foo'` -> `'Foo'`).
            Accepts a tag name string or an OpenAPI tag dict.

            bp = APIBlueprint('foo', __name__, tag='Foo')

            bp = APIBlueprint('foo', __name__, tag={'name': 'Foo'})
        enable_openapi: If `False`, will disable OpenAPI support for the
            current blueprint.

    Other keyword arguments are directly passed to `flask.Blueprint`.
    self.tag = tag
    self.enable_openapi = enable_openapi

add_url_rule(self, rule, endpoint=None, view_func=None, provide_automatic_options=None, **options)

Record the spec for view classes before calling the actual add_url_rule method.

When calling this method directly, the view_func argument can be a view function or a view function created by ViewClass.as_view(). It only accepts a view class when using the route decorator on a view class.

Source code in apiflask/blueprint.py
def add_url_rule(
    rule: str,
    endpoint: t.Optional[str] = None,
    view_func: t.Optional[ViewFuncOrClassType] = None,
    provide_automatic_options: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    **options: t.Any,
    """Record the spec for view classes before calling the actual `add_url_rule` method.

    When calling this method directly, the `view_func` argument can be a view function or
    a view function created by `ViewClass.as_view()`. It only accepts a view class when
    using the route decorator on a view class.
    if isinstance(view_func, type):
        # call as_view() for MethodView passed with @route
        if endpoint is None:
            endpoint = view_func.__name__
        view_func = view_func.as_view(endpoint)  # type: ignore

    if hasattr(view_func, 'view_class'):
        # view function created with MethodViewClass.as_view()
        view_class = view_func.view_class  # type: ignore
        if not issubclass(view_class, MethodView):
            # skip View-based class
            view_func._spec = {'hide': True}  # type: ignore
            # record spec for MethodView class
            if hasattr(self, 'enable_openapi') and self.enable_openapi:
                view_func = record_spec_for_view_class(view_func, view_class)  # type: ignore

        # view func created by Flask's View only accpets keyword arguments
        if issubclass(view_class, FlaskView):
            view_func._only_kwargs = True  # type: ignore

        if issubclass(view_class, FlaskMethodView):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'APIFlask only supports generating OpenAPI spec for view classes created '
                'with apiflask.views.MethodView (`from apiflask.views import MethodView`).',

    super(cls, self).add_url_rule(


A base class for APIFlask and APIBlueprint.

This class contains the route shortcut decorators (i.e. get, post, etc.) and API-related decorators (i.e. auth_required, input, output, doc).

Version added: 1.0

Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
class APIScaffold:
    """A base class for [`APIFlask`][apiflask.app.APIFlask] and

    This class contains the route shortcut decorators (i.e. `get`, `post`, etc.) and
    API-related decorators (i.e. `auth_required`, `input`, `output`, `doc`).

    *Version added: 1.0*
    def _method_route(self, method: str, rule: str, options: t.Any):
        if 'methods' in options:
            raise RuntimeError('Use the "route" decorator to use the "methods" argument.')

        def decorator(f):
            if isinstance(f, type(MethodView)):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'The route shortcuts cannot be used with "MethodView" classes, '
                    'use the "route" decorator instead.'
            return self.route(rule, methods=[method], **options)(f)
        return decorator

    def get(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
        """Shortcut for `app.route()` or `app.route(methods=['GET'])`."""
        return self._method_route('GET', rule, options)

    def post(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
        """Shortcut for `app.route(methods=['POST'])`."""
        return self._method_route('POST', rule, options)

    def put(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
        """Shortcut for `app.route(methods=['PUT'])`."""
        return self._method_route('PUT', rule, options)

    def patch(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
        """Shortcut for `app.route(methods=['PATCH'])`."""
        return self._method_route('PATCH', rule, options)

    def delete(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
        """Shortcut for `app.route(methods=['DELETE'])`."""
        return self._method_route('DELETE', rule, options)

    def auth_required(
        auth: HTTPAuthType,
        role: t.Optional[str] = None,
        roles: t.Optional[list] = None,
        optional: t.Optional[str] = None
    ) -> t.Callable[[DecoratedType], DecoratedType]:
        """Protect a view with provided authentication settings.

        > Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., `app.route`, `app.get`,
        `app.post`, etc.).


        from apiflask import APIFlask, HTTPTokenAuth

        app = APIFlask(__name__)
        auth = HTTPTokenAuth()

        def hello():
            return 'Hello'!

            auth: The `auth` object, an instance of
                or [`HTTPTokenAuth`][apiflask.security.HTTPTokenAuth].
            role: Deprecated since 1.0, use `roles` instead.
            roles: The selected roles to allow to visit this view, accepts a list of role names.
                See [Flask-HTTPAuth's documentation][_role]{target:_blank} for more details.
                [_role]: https://flask-httpauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#user-roles
            optional: Set to `True` to allow the view to execute even the authentication
                information is not included with the request, in which case the attribute
                `auth.current_user` will be `None`.

        *Version changed: 1.0.0*

        - The `role` parameter is deprecated.

        *Version changed: 0.12.0*

        - Move to `APIFlask` and `APIBlueprint` classes.

        *Version changed: 0.4.0*

        - Add parameter `roles`.
        _roles = None
        if role is not None:
                'The `role` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 1.1, '
                'use `roles` and always pass a list instead.',
            _roles = [role]
        elif roles is not None:
            _roles = roles

        def decorator(f):
            f = _ensure_sync(f)
            _annotate(f, auth=auth, roles=_roles or [])
            return auth.login_required(role=_roles, optional=optional)(f)
        return decorator

    def input(
        schema: SchemaType,
        location: str = 'json',
        schema_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
        example: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
        examples: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = None,
        **kwargs: t.Any
    ) -> t.Callable[[DecoratedType], DecoratedType]:
        """Add input settings for view functions.

        > Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., `app.route`, `app.get`,
        `app.post`, etc.).

        If the validation passed, the data will inject into view
        function as a positional argument in the form of `dict`. Otherwise,
        an error response with the detail of the validation result will be returned.


        from apiflask import APIFlask

        app = APIFlask(__name__)

        def hello(parsed_and_validated_input_data):
            return 'Hello'!

            schema: The marshmallow schema of the input data.
            location: The location of the input data, one of `'json'` (default),
                `'files'`, `'form'`, `'cookies'`, `'headers'`, `'query'`
                (same as `'querystring'`).
            schema_name: The schema name for dict schema, only needed when you pass
                a schema dict (e.g., `{'name': String(required=True)}`) for `json`
            example: The example data in dict for request body, you should use either
                `example` or `examples`, not both.
            examples: Multiple examples for request body, you should pass a dict
                that contains multiple examples. Example:

                    'example foo': {  # example name
                        'summary': 'an example of foo',  # summary field is optional
                        'value': {'name': 'foo', 'id': 1}  # example value
                    'example bar': {
                        'summary': 'an example of bar',
                        'value': {'name': 'bar', 'id': 2}

        *Version changed: 1.0*

        - Ensure only one input body location was used.
        - Add `form_and_files` and `json_or_form` (from webargs) location.
        - Rewrite `files` to act as `form_and_files`.
        - Use correct request content type for `form` and `files`.

        *Version changed: 0.12.0*

        - Move to APIFlask and APIBlueprint classes.

        *Version changed: 0.4.0*

        - Add parameter `examples`.
        if isinstance(schema, ABCMapping):
            schema = _generate_schema_from_mapping(schema, schema_name)
        if isinstance(schema, type):  # pragma: no cover
            schema = schema()

        def decorator(f):
            f = _ensure_sync(f)
            is_body_location = location in BODY_LOCATIONS
            if is_body_location and hasattr(f, '_spec') and 'body' in f._spec:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'When using the app.input() decorator, you can only declare one request '
                    'body location (one of "json", "form", "files", "form_and_files", '
                    'and "json_or_form").'
            if location not in SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Unknown input location. The supported locations are: "json", "files",'
                    ' "form", "cookies", "headers", "query" (same as "querystring"), "path"'
                    f' (same as "view_args") and "form_and_files". Got "{location}" instead.'
            if location == 'json':
                _annotate(f, body=schema, body_example=example, body_examples=examples)
            elif location == 'form':
            elif location in ['files', 'form_and_files']:
                if not hasattr(f, '_spec') or f._spec.get('args') is None:
                    _annotate(f, args=[])
                if location == 'path':
                    _annotate(f, omit_default_path_parameters=True)
                # TODO: Support set example for request parameters
                f._spec['args'].append((schema, location))
            return use_args(schema, location=location, **kwargs)(f)
        return decorator

    def output(
        schema: SchemaType,
        status_code: int = 200,
        description: t.Optional[str] = None,
        schema_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
        example: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
        examples: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = None,
        links: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = None,
    ) -> t.Callable[[DecoratedType], DecoratedType]:
        """Add output settings for view functions.

        > Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., `app.route`, `app.get`,
        `app.post`, etc.).

        The decorator will format the return value of your view function with
        provided marshmallow schema. You can return a dict or an object (such
        as a model class instance of ORMs). APIFlask will handle the formatting
        and turn your return value into a JSON response.

        P.S. The output data will not be validated; it's a design choice of marshmallow.
        marshmallow 4.0 may be support the output validation.


        from apiflask import APIFlask

        app = APIFlask(__name__)

        def hello():
            return the_dict_or_object_match_petout_schema

            schema: The schemas of the output data.
            status_code: The status code of the response, defaults to `200`.
            description: The description of the response.
            schema_name: The schema name for dict schema, only needed when you pass
                a schema dict (e.g., `{'name': String()}`).
            example: The example data in dict for response body, you should use either
                `example` or `examples`, not both.
            examples: Multiple examples for response body, you should pass a dict
                that contains multiple examples. Example:

                    'example foo': {  # example name
                        'summary': 'an example of foo',  # summary field is optional
                        'value': {'name': 'foo', 'id': 1}  # example value
                    'example bar': {
                        'summary': 'an example of bar',
                        'value': {'name': 'bar', 'id': 2}
            links: The `links` of response. It accepts a dict which maps a link name to
                a link object. Example:

                    'getAddressByUserId': {
                        'operationId': 'getUserAddress',
                        'parameters': {
                            'userId': '$request.path.id'

                See the [docs](https://apiflask.com/openapi/#response-links) for more details
                about setting response links.

        *Version changed: 0.12.0*

        - Move to APIFlask and APIBlueprint classes.

        *Version changed: 0.10.0*

        - Add `links` parameter.

        *Version changed: 0.9.0*

        - Add base response customization support.

        *Version changed: 0.6.0*

        - Support decorating async views.

        *Version changed: 0.5.2*

        - Return the `Response` object directly.

        *Version changed: 0.4.0*

        - Add parameter `examples`.
        if schema == {}:
            schema = EmptySchema
        if isinstance(schema, ABCMapping):
            schema = _generate_schema_from_mapping(schema, schema_name)
        if isinstance(schema, type):  # pragma: no cover
            schema = schema()

        if isinstance(schema, EmptySchema):
            status_code = 204

        def decorator(f):
            f = _ensure_sync(f)
            _annotate(f, response={
                'schema': schema,
                'status_code': status_code,
                'description': description,
                'example': example,
                'examples': examples,
                'links': links,

            def _jsonify(
                obj: t.Any,
                many: bool = _sentinel,  # type: ignore
                *args: t.Any,
                **kwargs: t.Any
            ) -> Response:  # pragma: no cover
                """From Flask-Marshmallow, see the NOTICE file for license information."""
                if many is _sentinel:
                    many = schema.many  # type: ignore
                base_schema: OpenAPISchemaType = current_app.config['BASE_RESPONSE_SCHEMA']
                if base_schema is not None and status_code != 204:
                    data_key: str = current_app.config['BASE_RESPONSE_DATA_KEY']
                    if data_key not in obj:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            f'The data key "{data_key}" is not found in the returned dict.'
                    obj[data_key] = schema.dump(obj[data_key], many=many)  # type: ignore
                    data = base_schema().dump(obj)  # type: ignore
                    data = schema.dump(obj, many=many)  # type: ignore
                return jsonify(data, *args, **kwargs)

            def _response(*args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> ResponseReturnValueType:
                rv = f(*args, **kwargs)
                if isinstance(rv, Response):
                    return rv
                if not isinstance(rv, tuple):
                    return _jsonify(rv), status_code
                json = _jsonify(rv[0])
                if len(rv) == 2:
                    rv = (json, rv[1]) if isinstance(rv[1], int) else (json, status_code, rv[1])
                elif len(rv) >= 3:
                    rv = (json, rv[1], rv[2])
                    rv = (json, status_code)
                return rv  # type: ignore
            return _response
        return decorator

    def doc(
        summary: t.Optional[str] = None,
        description: t.Optional[str] = None,
        tag: t.Optional[str] = None,
        tags: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None,
        responses: t.Optional[t.Union[t.List[int], t.Dict[int, str]]] = None,
        deprecated: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        hide: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        operation_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
        security: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[t.Union[str, t.Dict[str, list]]]]] = None,
    ) -> t.Callable[[DecoratedType], DecoratedType]:
        """Set up the OpenAPI Spec for view functions.

        > Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., `app.route`, `app.get`,
        `app.post`, etc.).


        from apiflask import APIFlask

        app = APIFlask(__name__)

        @app.doc(summary='Say hello', tags=['Foo'])
        def hello():
            return 'Hello'

            summary: The summary of this endpoint. If not set, the name of the view function
                will be used. If your view function is named with `get_pet`, then the summary
                will be "Get Pet". If the view function has a docstring, then the first
                line of the docstring will be used. The precedence will be:

                @app.doc(summary='blah') > the first line of docstring > the view function name

            description: The description of this endpoint. If not set, the lines after the empty
                line of the docstring will be used.
            tag: Deprecated since 1.0, use `tags` instead.
            tags: A list of tag names of this endpoint, map the tags you passed in the `app.tags`
                attribute. If `app.tags` is not set, the blueprint name will be used as tag name.
            responses: The other responses for this view function, accepts a dict in a format
                of `{404: 'Not Found'}` or a list of status code (`[404, 418]`). If pass a dict,
                and a response with the same status code is already exist, the existing
                description will be overwritten.
            deprecated: Flag this endpoint as deprecated in API docs.
            hide: Hide this endpoint in API docs.
            operation_id: The `operationId` of this endpoint. Set config `AUTO_OPERATION_ID` to
                `True` to enable the auto-generating of operationId (in the format of
            security: The `security` used for this endpoint. Match the security info specified in
                the `SECURITY_SCHEMES` configuration. If you don't need specify the scopes, just
                pass a security name (equals to `[{'foo': []}]`) or a list of security names (equals
                to `[{'foo': []}, {'bar': []}]`).

        *Version changed: 1.0*

        - Add `security` parameter to support customizing security info.
        - The `role` parameter is deprecated.

        *Version changed: 0.12.0*

        - Move to `APIFlask` and `APIBlueprint` classes.

        *Version changed: 0.10.0*

        - Add parameter `operation_id`.

        *Version changed: 0.5.0*

        - Change the default value of parameters `hide` and `deprecated` from `False` to `None`.

        *Version changed: 0.4.0*

        - Add parameter `tag`.

        *Version changed: 0.3.0*

        - Change the default value of `deprecated` from `None` to `False`.
        - Rename parameter `tags` to `tag`.

        *Version added: 0.2.0*
        _tags = None
        if tag is not None:
                'The `tag` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 1.1, '
                'use `tags` and always pass a list instead.',
            _tags = [tag]
        elif tags is not None:
            _tags = tags

        def decorator(f):
            f = _ensure_sync(f)
            return f
        return decorator

auth_required(self, auth, role=None, roles=None, optional=None)

Protect a view with provided authentication settings.

Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., app.route, app.get, app.post, etc.).


from apiflask import APIFlask, HTTPTokenAuth

app = APIFlask(__name__)
auth = HTTPTokenAuth()

def hello():
    return 'Hello'!


Name Type Description Default
auth Union[HTTPBasicAuth, HTTPTokenAuth]

The auth object, an instance of HTTPBasicAuth or HTTPTokenAuth.

role Optional[str]

Deprecated since 1.0, use roles instead.

roles Optional[list]

The selected roles to allow to visit this view, accepts a list of role names. See Flask-HTTPAuth's documentation for more details.

optional Optional[str]

Set to True to allow the view to execute even the authentication information is not included with the request, in which case the attribute auth.current_user will be None.


Version changed: 1.0.0

  • The role parameter is deprecated.

Version changed: 0.12.0

  • Move to APIFlask and APIBlueprint classes.

Version changed: 0.4.0

  • Add parameter roles.
Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def auth_required(
    auth: HTTPAuthType,
    role: t.Optional[str] = None,
    roles: t.Optional[list] = None,
    optional: t.Optional[str] = None
) -> t.Callable[[DecoratedType], DecoratedType]:
    """Protect a view with provided authentication settings.

    > Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., `app.route`, `app.get`,
    `app.post`, etc.).


    from apiflask import APIFlask, HTTPTokenAuth

    app = APIFlask(__name__)
    auth = HTTPTokenAuth()

    def hello():
        return 'Hello'!

        auth: The `auth` object, an instance of
            or [`HTTPTokenAuth`][apiflask.security.HTTPTokenAuth].
        role: Deprecated since 1.0, use `roles` instead.
        roles: The selected roles to allow to visit this view, accepts a list of role names.
            See [Flask-HTTPAuth's documentation][_role]{target:_blank} for more details.
            [_role]: https://flask-httpauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#user-roles
        optional: Set to `True` to allow the view to execute even the authentication
            information is not included with the request, in which case the attribute
            `auth.current_user` will be `None`.

    *Version changed: 1.0.0*

    - The `role` parameter is deprecated.

    *Version changed: 0.12.0*

    - Move to `APIFlask` and `APIBlueprint` classes.

    *Version changed: 0.4.0*

    - Add parameter `roles`.
    _roles = None
    if role is not None:
            'The `role` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 1.1, '
            'use `roles` and always pass a list instead.',
        _roles = [role]
    elif roles is not None:
        _roles = roles

    def decorator(f):
        f = _ensure_sync(f)
        _annotate(f, auth=auth, roles=_roles or [])
        return auth.login_required(role=_roles, optional=optional)(f)
    return decorator

delete(self, rule, **options)

Shortcut for app.route(methods=['DELETE']).

Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def delete(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
    """Shortcut for `app.route(methods=['DELETE'])`."""
    return self._method_route('DELETE', rule, options)

doc(self, summary=None, description=None, tag=None, tags=None, responses=None, deprecated=None, hide=None, operation_id=None, security=None)

Set up the OpenAPI Spec for view functions.

Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., app.route, app.get, app.post, etc.).


from apiflask import APIFlask

app = APIFlask(__name__)

@app.doc(summary='Say hello', tags=['Foo'])
def hello():
    return 'Hello'


Name Type Description Default
summary Optional[str]

The summary of this endpoint. If not set, the name of the view function will be used. If your view function is named with get_pet, then the summary will be "Get Pet". If the view function has a docstring, then the first line of the docstring will be used. The precedence will be:

@app.doc(summary='blah') > the first line of docstring > the view function name
description Optional[str]

The description of this endpoint. If not set, the lines after the empty line of the docstring will be used.

tag Optional[str]

Deprecated since 1.0, use tags instead.

tags Optional[List[str]]

A list of tag names of this endpoint, map the tags you passed in the app.tags attribute. If app.tags is not set, the blueprint name will be used as tag name.

responses Union[List[int], Dict[int, str]]

The other responses for this view function, accepts a dict in a format of {404: 'Not Found'} or a list of status code ([404, 418]). If pass a dict, and a response with the same status code is already exist, the existing description will be overwritten.

deprecated Optional[bool]

Flag this endpoint as deprecated in API docs.

hide Optional[bool]

Hide this endpoint in API docs.

operation_id Optional[str]

The operationId of this endpoint. Set config AUTO_OPERATION_ID to True to enable the auto-generating of operationId (in the format of {method}_{endpoint}).

security Union[str, List[Union[str, Dict[str, list]]]]

The security used for this endpoint. Match the security info specified in the SECURITY_SCHEMES configuration. If you don't need specify the scopes, just pass a security name (equals to [{'foo': []}]) or a list of security names (equals to [{'foo': []}, {'bar': []}]).


Version changed: 1.0

  • Add security parameter to support customizing security info.
  • The role parameter is deprecated.

Version changed: 0.12.0

  • Move to APIFlask and APIBlueprint classes.

Version changed: 0.10.0

  • Add parameter operation_id.

Version changed: 0.5.0

  • Change the default value of parameters hide and deprecated from False to None.

Version changed: 0.4.0

  • Add parameter tag.

Version changed: 0.3.0

  • Change the default value of deprecated from None to False.
  • Rename parameter tags to tag.

Version added: 0.2.0

Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def doc(
    summary: t.Optional[str] = None,
    description: t.Optional[str] = None,
    tag: t.Optional[str] = None,
    tags: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None,
    responses: t.Optional[t.Union[t.List[int], t.Dict[int, str]]] = None,
    deprecated: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    hide: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    operation_id: t.Optional[str] = None,
    security: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.List[t.Union[str, t.Dict[str, list]]]]] = None,
) -> t.Callable[[DecoratedType], DecoratedType]:
    """Set up the OpenAPI Spec for view functions.

    > Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., `app.route`, `app.get`,
    `app.post`, etc.).


    from apiflask import APIFlask

    app = APIFlask(__name__)

    @app.doc(summary='Say hello', tags=['Foo'])
    def hello():
        return 'Hello'

        summary: The summary of this endpoint. If not set, the name of the view function
            will be used. If your view function is named with `get_pet`, then the summary
            will be "Get Pet". If the view function has a docstring, then the first
            line of the docstring will be used. The precedence will be:

            @app.doc(summary='blah') > the first line of docstring > the view function name

        description: The description of this endpoint. If not set, the lines after the empty
            line of the docstring will be used.
        tag: Deprecated since 1.0, use `tags` instead.
        tags: A list of tag names of this endpoint, map the tags you passed in the `app.tags`
            attribute. If `app.tags` is not set, the blueprint name will be used as tag name.
        responses: The other responses for this view function, accepts a dict in a format
            of `{404: 'Not Found'}` or a list of status code (`[404, 418]`). If pass a dict,
            and a response with the same status code is already exist, the existing
            description will be overwritten.
        deprecated: Flag this endpoint as deprecated in API docs.
        hide: Hide this endpoint in API docs.
        operation_id: The `operationId` of this endpoint. Set config `AUTO_OPERATION_ID` to
            `True` to enable the auto-generating of operationId (in the format of
        security: The `security` used for this endpoint. Match the security info specified in
            the `SECURITY_SCHEMES` configuration. If you don't need specify the scopes, just
            pass a security name (equals to `[{'foo': []}]`) or a list of security names (equals
            to `[{'foo': []}, {'bar': []}]`).

    *Version changed: 1.0*

    - Add `security` parameter to support customizing security info.
    - The `role` parameter is deprecated.

    *Version changed: 0.12.0*

    - Move to `APIFlask` and `APIBlueprint` classes.

    *Version changed: 0.10.0*

    - Add parameter `operation_id`.

    *Version changed: 0.5.0*

    - Change the default value of parameters `hide` and `deprecated` from `False` to `None`.

    *Version changed: 0.4.0*

    - Add parameter `tag`.

    *Version changed: 0.3.0*

    - Change the default value of `deprecated` from `None` to `False`.
    - Rename parameter `tags` to `tag`.

    *Version added: 0.2.0*
    _tags = None
    if tag is not None:
            'The `tag` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in 1.1, '
            'use `tags` and always pass a list instead.',
        _tags = [tag]
    elif tags is not None:
        _tags = tags

    def decorator(f):
        f = _ensure_sync(f)
        return f
    return decorator

get(self, rule, **options)

Shortcut for app.route() or app.route(methods=['GET']).

Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def get(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
    """Shortcut for `app.route()` or `app.route(methods=['GET'])`."""
    return self._method_route('GET', rule, options)

input(self, schema, location='json', schema_name=None, example=None, examples=None, **kwargs)

Add input settings for view functions.

Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., app.route, app.get, app.post, etc.).

If the validation passed, the data will inject into view function as a positional argument in the form of dict. Otherwise, an error response with the detail of the validation result will be returned.


from apiflask import APIFlask

app = APIFlask(__name__)

def hello(parsed_and_validated_input_data):
    return 'Hello'!


Name Type Description Default
schema Union[Schema, Type[Schema], Dict[str, Union[Field, type]]]

The marshmallow schema of the input data.

location str

The location of the input data, one of 'json' (default), 'files', 'form', 'cookies', 'headers', 'query' (same as 'querystring').

schema_name Optional[str]

The schema name for dict schema, only needed when you pass a schema dict (e.g., {'name': String(required=True)}) for json location.

example Optional[Any]

The example data in dict for request body, you should use either example or examples, not both.

examples Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Multiple examples for request body, you should pass a dict that contains multiple examples. Example:

    'example foo': {  # example name
        'summary': 'an example of foo',  # summary field is optional
        'value': {'name': 'foo', 'id': 1}  # example value
    'example bar': {
        'summary': 'an example of bar',
        'value': {'name': 'bar', 'id': 2}

Version changed: 1.0

  • Ensure only one input body location was used.
  • Add form_and_files and json_or_form (from webargs) location.
  • Rewrite files to act as form_and_files.
  • Use correct request content type for form and files.

Version changed: 0.12.0

  • Move to APIFlask and APIBlueprint classes.

Version changed: 0.4.0

  • Add parameter examples.
Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def input(
    schema: SchemaType,
    location: str = 'json',
    schema_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
    example: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
    examples: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = None,
    **kwargs: t.Any
) -> t.Callable[[DecoratedType], DecoratedType]:
    """Add input settings for view functions.

    > Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., `app.route`, `app.get`,
    `app.post`, etc.).

    If the validation passed, the data will inject into view
    function as a positional argument in the form of `dict`. Otherwise,
    an error response with the detail of the validation result will be returned.


    from apiflask import APIFlask

    app = APIFlask(__name__)

    def hello(parsed_and_validated_input_data):
        return 'Hello'!

        schema: The marshmallow schema of the input data.
        location: The location of the input data, one of `'json'` (default),
            `'files'`, `'form'`, `'cookies'`, `'headers'`, `'query'`
            (same as `'querystring'`).
        schema_name: The schema name for dict schema, only needed when you pass
            a schema dict (e.g., `{'name': String(required=True)}`) for `json`
        example: The example data in dict for request body, you should use either
            `example` or `examples`, not both.
        examples: Multiple examples for request body, you should pass a dict
            that contains multiple examples. Example:

                'example foo': {  # example name
                    'summary': 'an example of foo',  # summary field is optional
                    'value': {'name': 'foo', 'id': 1}  # example value
                'example bar': {
                    'summary': 'an example of bar',
                    'value': {'name': 'bar', 'id': 2}

    *Version changed: 1.0*

    - Ensure only one input body location was used.
    - Add `form_and_files` and `json_or_form` (from webargs) location.
    - Rewrite `files` to act as `form_and_files`.
    - Use correct request content type for `form` and `files`.

    *Version changed: 0.12.0*

    - Move to APIFlask and APIBlueprint classes.

    *Version changed: 0.4.0*

    - Add parameter `examples`.
    if isinstance(schema, ABCMapping):
        schema = _generate_schema_from_mapping(schema, schema_name)
    if isinstance(schema, type):  # pragma: no cover
        schema = schema()

    def decorator(f):
        f = _ensure_sync(f)
        is_body_location = location in BODY_LOCATIONS
        if is_body_location and hasattr(f, '_spec') and 'body' in f._spec:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'When using the app.input() decorator, you can only declare one request '
                'body location (one of "json", "form", "files", "form_and_files", '
                'and "json_or_form").'
        if location not in SUPPORTED_LOCATIONS:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unknown input location. The supported locations are: "json", "files",'
                ' "form", "cookies", "headers", "query" (same as "querystring"), "path"'
                f' (same as "view_args") and "form_and_files". Got "{location}" instead.'
        if location == 'json':
            _annotate(f, body=schema, body_example=example, body_examples=examples)
        elif location == 'form':
        elif location in ['files', 'form_and_files']:
            if not hasattr(f, '_spec') or f._spec.get('args') is None:
                _annotate(f, args=[])
            if location == 'path':
                _annotate(f, omit_default_path_parameters=True)
            # TODO: Support set example for request parameters
            f._spec['args'].append((schema, location))
        return use_args(schema, location=location, **kwargs)(f)
    return decorator

output(self, schema, status_code=200, description=None, schema_name=None, example=None, examples=None, links=None)

Add output settings for view functions.

Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., app.route, app.get, app.post, etc.).

The decorator will format the return value of your view function with provided marshmallow schema. You can return a dict or an object (such as a model class instance of ORMs). APIFlask will handle the formatting and turn your return value into a JSON response.

P.S. The output data will not be validated; it's a design choice of marshmallow. marshmallow 4.0 may be support the output validation.


from apiflask import APIFlask

app = APIFlask(__name__)

def hello():
    return the_dict_or_object_match_petout_schema


Name Type Description Default
schema Union[Schema, Type[Schema], Dict[str, Union[Field, type]]]

The schemas of the output data.

status_code int

The status code of the response, defaults to 200.

description Optional[str]

The description of the response.

schema_name Optional[str]

The schema name for dict schema, only needed when you pass a schema dict (e.g., {'name': String()}).

example Optional[Any]

The example data in dict for response body, you should use either example or examples, not both.

examples Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

Multiple examples for response body, you should pass a dict that contains multiple examples. Example:

    'example foo': {  # example name
        'summary': 'an example of foo',  # summary field is optional
        'value': {'name': 'foo', 'id': 1}  # example value
    'example bar': {
        'summary': 'an example of bar',
        'value': {'name': 'bar', 'id': 2}
links Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

The links of response. It accepts a dict which maps a link name to a link object. Example:

    'getAddressByUserId': {
        'operationId': 'getUserAddress',
        'parameters': {
            'userId': '$request.path.id'

See the docs for more details about setting response links.


Version changed: 0.12.0

  • Move to APIFlask and APIBlueprint classes.

Version changed: 0.10.0

  • Add links parameter.

Version changed: 0.9.0

  • Add base response customization support.

Version changed: 0.6.0

  • Support decorating async views.

Version changed: 0.5.2

  • Return the Response object directly.

Version changed: 0.4.0

  • Add parameter examples.
Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def output(
    schema: SchemaType,
    status_code: int = 200,
    description: t.Optional[str] = None,
    schema_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
    example: t.Optional[t.Any] = None,
    examples: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = None,
    links: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = None,
) -> t.Callable[[DecoratedType], DecoratedType]:
    """Add output settings for view functions.

    > Be sure to put it under the routes decorators (i.e., `app.route`, `app.get`,
    `app.post`, etc.).

    The decorator will format the return value of your view function with
    provided marshmallow schema. You can return a dict or an object (such
    as a model class instance of ORMs). APIFlask will handle the formatting
    and turn your return value into a JSON response.

    P.S. The output data will not be validated; it's a design choice of marshmallow.
    marshmallow 4.0 may be support the output validation.


    from apiflask import APIFlask

    app = APIFlask(__name__)

    def hello():
        return the_dict_or_object_match_petout_schema

        schema: The schemas of the output data.
        status_code: The status code of the response, defaults to `200`.
        description: The description of the response.
        schema_name: The schema name for dict schema, only needed when you pass
            a schema dict (e.g., `{'name': String()}`).
        example: The example data in dict for response body, you should use either
            `example` or `examples`, not both.
        examples: Multiple examples for response body, you should pass a dict
            that contains multiple examples. Example:

                'example foo': {  # example name
                    'summary': 'an example of foo',  # summary field is optional
                    'value': {'name': 'foo', 'id': 1}  # example value
                'example bar': {
                    'summary': 'an example of bar',
                    'value': {'name': 'bar', 'id': 2}
        links: The `links` of response. It accepts a dict which maps a link name to
            a link object. Example:

                'getAddressByUserId': {
                    'operationId': 'getUserAddress',
                    'parameters': {
                        'userId': '$request.path.id'

            See the [docs](https://apiflask.com/openapi/#response-links) for more details
            about setting response links.

    *Version changed: 0.12.0*

    - Move to APIFlask and APIBlueprint classes.

    *Version changed: 0.10.0*

    - Add `links` parameter.

    *Version changed: 0.9.0*

    - Add base response customization support.

    *Version changed: 0.6.0*

    - Support decorating async views.

    *Version changed: 0.5.2*

    - Return the `Response` object directly.

    *Version changed: 0.4.0*

    - Add parameter `examples`.
    if schema == {}:
        schema = EmptySchema
    if isinstance(schema, ABCMapping):
        schema = _generate_schema_from_mapping(schema, schema_name)
    if isinstance(schema, type):  # pragma: no cover
        schema = schema()

    if isinstance(schema, EmptySchema):
        status_code = 204

    def decorator(f):
        f = _ensure_sync(f)
        _annotate(f, response={
            'schema': schema,
            'status_code': status_code,
            'description': description,
            'example': example,
            'examples': examples,
            'links': links,

        def _jsonify(
            obj: t.Any,
            many: bool = _sentinel,  # type: ignore
            *args: t.Any,
            **kwargs: t.Any
        ) -> Response:  # pragma: no cover
            """From Flask-Marshmallow, see the NOTICE file for license information."""
            if many is _sentinel:
                many = schema.many  # type: ignore
            base_schema: OpenAPISchemaType = current_app.config['BASE_RESPONSE_SCHEMA']
            if base_schema is not None and status_code != 204:
                data_key: str = current_app.config['BASE_RESPONSE_DATA_KEY']
                if data_key not in obj:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f'The data key "{data_key}" is not found in the returned dict.'
                obj[data_key] = schema.dump(obj[data_key], many=many)  # type: ignore
                data = base_schema().dump(obj)  # type: ignore
                data = schema.dump(obj, many=many)  # type: ignore
            return jsonify(data, *args, **kwargs)

        def _response(*args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> ResponseReturnValueType:
            rv = f(*args, **kwargs)
            if isinstance(rv, Response):
                return rv
            if not isinstance(rv, tuple):
                return _jsonify(rv), status_code
            json = _jsonify(rv[0])
            if len(rv) == 2:
                rv = (json, rv[1]) if isinstance(rv[1], int) else (json, status_code, rv[1])
            elif len(rv) >= 3:
                rv = (json, rv[1], rv[2])
                rv = (json, status_code)
            return rv  # type: ignore
        return _response
    return decorator

patch(self, rule, **options)

Shortcut for app.route(methods=['PATCH']).

Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def patch(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
    """Shortcut for `app.route(methods=['PATCH'])`."""
    return self._method_route('PATCH', rule, options)

post(self, rule, **options)

Shortcut for app.route(methods=['POST']).

Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def post(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
    """Shortcut for `app.route(methods=['POST'])`."""
    return self._method_route('POST', rule, options)

put(self, rule, **options)

Shortcut for app.route(methods=['PUT']).

Source code in apiflask/scaffold.py
def put(self, rule: str, **options: t.Any):
    """Shortcut for `app.route(methods=['PUT'])`."""
    return self._method_route('PUT', rule, options)